Wednesday, May 26, 2010

School projects

I was not able to put these up last week because I did not have access to the files (misplaced my flash drive) but I do now! I hope you enjoy!

All of these pictures are from my ME 1770 class at Georgia Tech, both my individual project and my contribution to my group project. 

My pride and joy of the project. It is the main laser battery off of a X-wing fighter from the Star Wars series. This guy was pretty tough to design and took me upwards of 3 hours just to make sure that the thicker part near the bottom looked perfect. 

This is a comparison photo of what one looks like that was rendered by someone with a little more expertise than what I have. There are a few differences, the slits in the bottom part, the tube assembly is not on mine, and I do not have stripe running up the middle. Not a big issue for me, a lot of the renders for Star Wars vehicles are substantially different from one another. It really depends on the artist and what kind of project they were working on.  

This is a Proton Torpedo from the Star Wars series. After spending a great deal of time working on the laser cannon, I took an easier route for the torpedo by copying the design I already had from my 2D version and pasted it into Inventor. From there it was just a few more edits and color splashes to a finished product.

And finally, this is the mug I designed on my own for my individual project. The assignment told us to make a creative mug design that was practical. To be "creative" I made the body of the mug a prism so they could be shipped without  waisting much room in the shipping container. The text on the front of the mug reads "SPORTS & ENERGY!"a homage to the POWERTHIRST  YouTube video. 

The Powerthirst video for those who have not seen it or would like to enjoy seeing it again. A little caution, make sure the volume on your computer is low. Also, they use some crude language in the video. 

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